
Does nastier libs rant against McClain-Palin, the more they hurt themselves?

by  |  earlier

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So, let them rant, smear and cuss and lie. They only deepen the resolve to vote against Obama and his George Soros team, especially TimeWarner and its subsidary mouthpiece, CNN. They have a very low opinion of the middleclass white voter's intelligence. Their hatred for most white Christians is profound.




  1. well she has the left in a frenzy, Obama's pols are disapearing and all including most of the Y/A lefties can only give you links to left wing whack sites......yep...hope they keep it up.....

    Ahh when witll the left figure out elections are more than Media created canidates....and give the party back to the Middle Dems

  2. Republicans are fake christians full of hate and deception.

    Jesus called Satan the Deciever !

  3. Does more you practice Engrish, the stupider your stupid question sounds?

  4. As a white christian, I believe that right there is the problem... people classifying themselves into white christian... are you american?  Should anything else matter in an election for the president of the united states... I know it is easier to talk repubs vs dems, right vs left, old vs young, but if you continue in this way, will have no country to stand up for.

  5. That whole statement is illiterate and ridiculous.  Why do you guys jump on the race wagon every 10 minutes? I think you hurt McCain and Palin more with a statement like this then any rant could do to Obama.

  6. Oh the McCain-Palin ticket doesn't scare me. Palin is full of c**p, but she's charming and able to make some people forget that she is totally not fit for the job (some people  = not me). Even if they, God forbid, do get voted into office -- those who helped get them there will realize their mistakes. They're both liars, and this ticket is a joke.  (McCain wants to bring change to the White House...such bull, the Republicans have been there too freakin long as it is and THEY'RE the reason WHY we need change now). She is disgustingly arrogant, it's actually shocking. I can't wait until her 15 minutes of fame are up and she gets eaten alive on October 2. I can't wait till this BS is over with so Obama and Biden can FINALLY get into the White House.

  7. No I  enjoy being able to read my own books and take birth control. Theres more to it than that.

  8. There has been equal bashing on both sides.  So, both sides will end up hurting eachother and will leave the more rational ones to make the decisions which is what should happen anyway.

  9. I just heard an Obama supporter on cable with a McCain supporter and the Obama supporter got so carried away, they had to threaten to turn her mic off.  Obama supporters ARE actually costing him votes.  So I will just grin and bear it.  

  10. Right back at you. No one hates the white so called Christians. Just don't like their agenda of trying to remove freedoms and turn this country into a lock step theocracy. Your self-righteous little rant here is laughable if not so hypocritical.

  11. They are especially bad today!  Im thinking many of them are upset their plans were shot to ruin the RNC.     Now that they see the RNC was a bigger success than the DNC  they can't take it and are letting out more steam.

  12. Did you possibly consider the other EFFECT of having this, book banning, knuckle dragging, christo-fascist, war worshipping, global warming denier as your candidate? It will  energise independents, both LIBERALS and moderates to vote against 4 more years of rethuglican extemism under Mcsame. The only choice is Obama. And as far as cnn being tilted to democrats...absolute nonsense....cnn is no different than faux news: they both tell you ONLY what the corporate owners want you to know, what will get them "ratings"

  13.   You have pegged many of the liberal losers, that's for sure.  CNN especially, has been obvious as h**l with all the liberal low life's it employ's !  The ink isn't dry before thay are doling out liberal low blows about one personality or another.

    I don't know though, these libs are pretty stupid, they don't give the impression that they have developed ethics and are ready to capitulate.  This one may go right down to the wire !

  14. Palin and Ted Steven's 527:

    Palin's support of the Bridge to Nowhere:

    Palin and her record of earmarks:

    Palin's desire to ban books:

    Palin's second ethics investigation:

  15. the Liberals aren't the only ones with nasty smears

    Karl Rove is the one who took dirty politics to the level it's at now.

    Just ask John McCain about the 2000 primaries.

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