
Does nationalisim annoy you? WHat to do about arrogant people?

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excessive pride in ones nationality where a person feels their country is better than every other cuontry bothers the c**p outta me, that is so arrogant and it mirrors the act of shaytan when he refused to prostrate to adam because he thought since he was made of fire he is superior

how do their actions differ from shaytan's at all?

why take so much pride in something that was a matter of chance, they did not work hard to be born into that country or that race!!! thats what is amazing about Islam is it warns us against the evils of excessive nationalism.

i am totally for pride in ur country and feeling good about where u are from, but sometimes people take it too far

how do u deal with people like that?? who think they are just on top of the world cuz of what country they are from?




  1. It is totally stupid, since no one chooses where they are born and have absolutely no impact on what happened in the past - usually I let people be and think whatever makes them happy but if they are upsetting people I'll say exactly what I've just said really, or something similar...if they are lucky they might realise how stupid it is, if not well, you can only feel sorry for them, cos there will be tons of other things they can't understand either.

  2. Quite often people in a certain large country which I will not mention think they are the best simply because of their own ignorance. They are totally unaware of their own country's foreign policies. They think they are the heroes when they are not.

    Not one of us had a choice as to what country we were born in but we all should be grown up and respect the difference of opinion.

    Maybe you  need to learn to make fun of them just to take the stress out of your life. They are no better than anybody else and there are many people who would rate them as the lowest of the lowest.

    Mate, you just will have to find a way to deal with it. I suspect the culture of your country will have a far longer history than this other place. They sure are arrogant but you have to rise above them and laugh at them. I hope this helps you a bit.

  3. i love your questions.

    yes it annoys me.

    nationalism is a form of racism and fascism.

    it's your faith and deeds only that count.

  4. I agree with you.  I am proud to be an American...but I don't go around preaching how America is richer than other countries, better and more free.  I find it arrogant too.  When dealing with people such as that, I tend to put them in their place.  I'm not going to let it slide by without some type of remark, because being that arrogant in the wrong place at the wrong time can have major consequences for that person.  I'm all for waving a person's flag, loving that you're that nationality and all the things you do...just don't blow it up in other people's faces.  Especially if you know that other person's country and your country are not the best of friends...

  5. Although we did not choose the country that we were born in, I frequently thank God that I was born in the most advanced, most civilized, most powerful, free, progressive, modern, blessed by God, country on earth.

    It is proper and just, to reveal and illuminate those facts when someone says something derogatory about the U.S, the country that I live in.

    These truths are substantiated and proved by the mere fact that hoards of people from around the world are emigrating to this great country! Also, that the majority of earths population, if given the chance, would come to live here in a heartbeat.

  6. Lol. I totally agree with you.  

    For people that I know who are extremists with their nationality, I usually say, "what do you have to be proud about? you didn't choose which country to be born in or what nationality your parents are!"  I always think, how can they be so proud of something that they are just a product of?

    I am totally for pride about your country, but when it causes one to think that they are superior against other nationalities - that I cannot stand.  

  7. The majority of Muslims here are nationalists they all hate Israel. Muslims do you not have any love for your Israel Muslim brothers and sisters.

    When I say Israel I mean inside Israel not Palestine.

  8. Very well put. I am ashamed of the ignorance of the majority of the population of my own country. The idea that we are building a fence to keep people, on the other side, in poverty is shameful to me. Those should be the easiest people to reach out and help. Unfortunately, most of the United States is more concerned with a big screen television to enhance their brainwashing. When I travel, I tell people I am from Canada.

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