
Does ne 1 kno how to get rid of a headache when u don,t have any pain medz?!?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Spread your hand and apply pressure as hard as you can to the web between the thumb and your palm.  I have actually used a metal binder clip in order to get enough pressure.

    This is an acupressure point and in just a few minutes the headache will abate.

    Feel Better!

  2. stay in a darkened room and avoid anything with loud noises. try drinking a lot of water

  3. Your lucky i get chronic migraines. There are 2 depressions where your skull meets your neck. push up toward the ceiling with your thumbs or your pointer and middle fingers, until you headache dulls, and goes away, this will work if you are sitting up. the best, and quickest way to get rid of the headache is you lay down and have some one pull towards them, in those depression areas, with gentle pressure. hope you are feeling better soon!

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