
Does nebody miss being pregnant?

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i miss the whole being pregnant part. i miss the kicks and all the movements. i want to get pregnant again just for that just minus the baby being born part. but thats not going to happn for a long time.

does/did nebody feel ths way after their child was born?




  1. I do. Especially, (and this may sound strange but it is totally true) when I have gas!! Sometimes those gas bubbles feel SO much like my son kicking... I miss it.

  2. Oh, I miss being pregnant. I loved it. It had it's bad parts. You know the aches and pains. But it was the best.

  3. I am currently pregnant and I despise it. I am soo angry and mean all the time. My first pregnancy was not like this. I don't know who I am and what has happened to me. My whole family is walking on egg shells. LOL. I don't mean any harm though.

  4. Yes my dear.Finally i got ne who is just like mine.I really love to be pregnant.I really enjoy each & every part of pregnancy with saying welcome to all the pain & aches.Its seems terrible some time but see the most precious gift we get end of this journey. thats why i enjoyed it.I have one daughter( 4 & half) & one son( two & half) & now i am concieving again.

    The care & love we get in pregnancy specially from our husbands thats the most important & loving part of this. Thats why i always get ready to be pregnant and the main purpose is of course growing your generation.

    Hope thats work for ya.

  5. I have two kids (10 and 2), and I don't miss being pregnant one bit!  I really hated being pregnant, and I had two fairly easy pregnancies (no morning sickness, no heartburn, no swelling).  I didn't mind the movement so much....that was kind of cool, but the constant urinating, and pain on my ribs (especially with the second one) - that I could do without....and the discomfort while trying to sleep as I got bigger and bigger.  But I guess that's what you put up with for having kids - best thing I ever did!

  6. Not a bit! I actually enjoyed labour both times, and was so happy to have my babies, but I'm not very good at being pregnant - sciatica, no sleep, and a big fat bump :(

  7. I really do miss it!!!  :)  I wasn't sick at all and felt so good, and really s**y!

    I loved the growth, the kicks, everything.  Of course once we get pregnant again I may take it back if I get morning sickness!  lol

  8. I miss being pregnant! My pregnancy wasn't bad at all! I worked all the way up until a week before my due date! I miss the kicking and SLEEP! That was the last time I got a full nights sleep!!!

  9. lol yeah I never thought when I was pregnant I would ever say that after  bc I was so uncomfortable toward the end with swollen feet joint pains rib pain  pubic bone pain heartburn inability to sleep in a comfy position or get out of bed without pain I could go on and on etc etc. But now that its gone, yeah I do. I feel sort of nostalgic about the whole thing, esp bc it was such a surprise to me at first and bc it was my 1st pregnancy. i MISS all the kicks and movements too and the questions ppl would ask, the attention, my prenatal exams and hearing the baby's heartbeat and just feeling like we (me and ehr) were one  and even my pregnant shape. I mean though there were many discomforts and such there were also many magical things I thought about being pregnant. But at the same time, whenever I get that nostalgic feeling, I just remember all those aches and pains and my slow moving and feel glad my baby is on the outside now with me.

  10. Not me! I'm the complete opposite; I do NOT enjoy being pregnant!

    I love my baby boy! and I LOVE having him on the outside, but I didn't enjoy being pregnant.

  11. I was just trying to explain this to my husband last night! I miss the's such a unique bonding eperience!! My husband's response was. "I don't miss it!!! You were terrible!!!" lol

  12. I missed it and so did a lot of my friends.  Most of us just missed the kicks and such, but one of my friends was actually jealous because the baby was getting more attention and when she was pregnant she got all the attention.  I dont miss being pregnant anymore though, I just think of all the puking and heartburn and I have no problem with it!

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