
Does negative or positive speech help plants grow better?

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Does negative or positive speech help plants grow better?




  1. aww :)

    hun, water and sunlight make plants grow

    ...not talking.

    and wouldn't you feel stupid just sittin there..

    talkin to a plant


  2. They have done tests playing hard rock music and classical music and neither the plantes grew better with classical then none and they actually grew away from the rock. So i think it would depend on you tone of voice rather than what your saying, but yes it will impact it.

  3. In one of the Indian tribes, it is said that if the community wants to cut the tree or remove it from the place, then all the people go to the tree and abuse the tree in a ruthless way. Soon the tree dies. This is the way to uproot the tree without using any knife or axe.  So possibly the negative or positive speech affects the growth of the plant just like any other organism may be human being or a pet animal. At least I talk to the plants in my garden, I love talking to them.

  4. I love checking in at answers in the middle of the night. You get to discover such ah... um......... such unusual questions. Gives me a chance to get the cob webs out of the brain.

    Yes, there has been a great deal of research on IF "vibrations" can effect a positive res ponce to plant growth. Grants for this have never been as large as some would like so to stretch the funds, music was a cheep way to provide the vibrations necessary for 24/7 long term testing.

    Stories starting going around that plants were being tested to see if they respond to music. Once a myth gets started, it forms a life of it's one. The tunes itself was not the reason for any plant testing, just the vibrations the music could provide. As far the plant preferring the Rolling Stones over the classics's, there have never been any such testing done.

    It made NO DIFFERENCE if it was T Rex or someone making f**t noises with their palm under their arm pit.

    The tests showed that the plants vibrated indicated a growth higher then the non- vibrated plants. But the amount of increased growth was so small that it would never be profitable if applied to food crops

    It was thought that the vibrations allowed the plant nutrients flow at a higher rate, thus increased growth.

    At this time, I know of no plans by any public or private college to do additional testing.

    1 year ago


    Garden Dok, author of the best seller "I was a Teenaged Test Plant for U W Madison".

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