
Does nick jonas smoke?

by Guest66417  |  earlier

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my friend said she saw it on the news but i don't think he would do that




  1. noooooooo..................

  2. he takes mind altering drugs. instead of using them with already good music aka Pink Floyd, he uses them with his crappy songs to make them sound good.

  3. I sold him some weed last week. I don't know if he hit it but I'm pretty sure it was for him.

  4. naw his voice would b bad if he did[:

  5. lol all of you people think disney wouldnt let them disney doesnt have the best people like jamie lyn spears and that other girls that had those pics on the inter net lol

  6. disney wont let them.

  7. ew. No. That would be wrong on so many levels. (fans, disney, etc.)

  8. Of course not, maybe it was a dream or sometihng, it'd be EVERYWHERE on the internet if he did.

  9. that would be a big fat NO.
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