
Does no reply from emloyer mean no?

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This is kind of weird to me. I had an hour-long interview with this company. I think it went well. Then I was asked to submit a written assignment. It took me three days to finish the written assignment. After I emailed the assignment, I got a reply saying the person will be out of office until two weeks later. I waited one week after the date he was supposed to be back in the office and wrote him a follow-up letter. No reply. I called his office and left a voice message, No reply. I do not know what's going on. I have other job offers but I don't want to give up on this one. Do you think I'll still have a chance? or they avoided me on purpose?




  1. Wait a couple more days.

    Keep calling.

    If in 2-3 days, nothing happens.

    Then its not worth it.

    Or you probably didnt get the job.

  2. i think waiting one week after he got back was a bad idea. you wanted to seem cool and not anxious but i actually think they like it when people are eager go-getters. i bet that out-of-office bit was a test!

    don't try to act cool by waiting a couple of days. if you really want this job be annoying and call twice a day (you have reason; they never got back to you and you think there is some problem connecting) for 2 or 3 days. after that im sure youll have your answer or figure it out yourself

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