
Does nobody no one way which i can remove cocaine from my hair?

by Guest59987  |  earlier

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i took some lines of cocaine, couple of months ago and now i got to get a hair test for cocaine, wish i didnt do it but i can only change the future, its important that it not comes up or im done for, is there no way or something i can do please help i tell u its a one of thing just need help thanks




  1. shave all your hair on your body even eyebrows and eye lashes, peel the top layer of your skin away, lie to your doctor to get a substance that will come up in some areas as cocaine or illegal drugs and get your doctor to contact them and tell them that it was the proscribed drugs and go for a chemical bath.

    Seriously though, shave your hair all over your body.  

  2. your hair grows on average 1/2 inch per month but they normally test a body hair so going bald for about 3-6 months will be about the only way to beat it, even though urine or blood takes about 72 hours to be non detectable hair test legal standards are six months back unless military then who knows  there is nothing that takes it from your hair

  3. all i can say is shame im sorry im being wrong but you done it at your own expense deal with the consequences.  

  4. shave off your hair

  5. There is no way to beat a hair follicle test for cocaine...there are shampoos that they sell that claim to reach the hair cortex but they only work in removing marijuana or opiates or benzos...for some reason cocaine is the hardest to get rid of. The good news is they only test back as far as 120 days, so if you used 4 months ago or longer you're cool. Also, if you only used a small amt. (a couple of lines) it may not show at all. There has to be enough of the drug in your blood stream to spill over into your hair follicle as your hair grows...a couple of lines may not be enough to give a reading that would qualify you as having a hot test. You're best bet is to get your hair cut as short as possible use the shampoos (you can buy them on line) but they have to be the kind that penetrate the cortex. Also, if it hasn't been quite 4 months since you used try putting the test off, say you're sick the day of the test, etc. Another good thing to do is they HAVE to have a picture ID from you when you go in for the test, so when you go in for the test and they ask for it just say you lost your ID/Drivers Lic...they CAN NOT process the test without it so that will buy you at least a week or so, until you can apply for and get a new ID....Good Luck..

  6. there are certain things you can buy to get it out of your hair.  I think they can only test back to about 2 months anyways.  

    You could get a buzz cut no more then an inch long then shave your entire body of hair, other then your head if your a guy.

  7. Take a lesson from the Brittney Spears handbook -- shave it off.

  8. keep drinking water and taking b12 vitamins, since its been months u should definitely be able to beat it. if u drink lots of water and take b12 3 days before a regular p**s test u will beat it for sure, just make sure u make sure ur p**s doesnt look like pure water or they will no u are trying to flush something out

  9. were your friends snorting lines off your head??


    use a search engine and type in hair testing cocaine.

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