
Does none else have a guilty feeling like what if you are not a good enough mommy?

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I keep telling myself that I am doing the best job I can, and am learning as I go along. But I have this guilty feeling inside like maybe I am not good enough. Can anyone else relate? I feel like people are judging me and looking at me as if I am not good enough. Is this ppd? I am also afraid that if I have ppd that that makes me a bad mommy.




  1. Honey, my daughter turns 27 in 6 weeks and her son turns 2 just 2 weeks after that, and I *STILL* worry about not being a good enough mom.  It's normal to feel overwhelmed and inadequate.  We all feel that way.

    As for PPD - no, sweetie, PPD is caused by hormones and neurotransmitters.  It's completely out of your control.  Good mommies, wonderful mommies, excellent mommies have been known to get PPD.  Bad mommies put their children in danger.  Having depression does not make you a bad mom or a bad wife or a bad person.  So please get that part out of your head.  

    If you're concerned, then please call your OB-GYN and tell them you need to be assessed for PPD.  He's seen it plenty of times and he can help you deal with it.  

    PPD makes those first weeks or months more of a struggle, but it doesn't make you a bad mom.

    Good luck to you.  

  2. that is what makes you a good mom . worrying . that is what mothers do . i used to feel like that and i still do and that is what my mom told me . because of all those worries and fear and concerns i know you will be a good mom  

  3. I feel like that sometime too... its normal. As long as you keep loving your baby and makinghim/her feel safe then your doing fine. I feel bad cause I work a lot, but I gotta do what I gotta do. I feel like I'm missing out on a lot... :(  

  4. EVERY mother I've ever met feels like this.  Just remember - no one is perfect.  But as long as you give your children lots of love and attention, they will be fine!  They don't need perfect mothers - it's not realistic.

    My mom was FAR from perfect.  Yet she raised three sucessful children who LOVE her unconditionally.  And all of her imperfections have taught us something about the real world that we encounter everyday.

  5. This is normal.  Some things to help PPD is try getting enough sleep(yeah, right, especially if a gal has other kids), exercise, proper nutrition, etc.

    Anyway, you'll notice that the good parents are the ones that doubt and second guess themselves.  The worst parents I have seen are the ones that holler about what good parents they are.

  6. I feel the same way! When I read things on here, or just doing stuff at home I am like, am I doing everything I can for her! I remember once my little girl was crying so hard I had no idea why my mom took her and wanted to rock her, and she realized she needed a diaper change. I felt so bad for my little girl I felt like such a bad mommy, but things and feelings like this happen. If you are worried about this, then you are a good mommy. IF you do have PPD, which I dont think you do, it doesnt make you a bad mommy, if you have it all you need to do is get it treated. The only thing that makes a bad mommy is not getting your child what it needs, the wants come afterwards, if you are able. You are doing good, and so am I, dont worry about being judging, they always will, if its putting a child in time-out or giving them a candy bar, people always got something to say when they shouldnt.  

  7. your just a nervous new mother we all feel that way some times and no it doesn't sound like depression at all I'm  sure your a great mom alot of people just have their own opinions on how things should be done and you won't't always do it like they do so don't worry

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