
Does north and south Korea have same culture?

by Guest57102  |  earlier

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i would like to know if both sides still have something in if they still ajust with one another..pls give me some more detailed answers..i need some help..




  1. Same as western germany/east germany. Both countries share the same culture yet live under different political systems. Korea is a single nation split in two countries.

  2. If you speak of material culture then yes they have very much the same culture as South Korea.  They speak the same language, had the same custom, and shared historical ties.

    But in terms of Political and Social Culture they are very different.  You will find that South Korean culture is much more free and lenient then North.

  3. No way. One of my friends just got back from North Korea on a tour and he said there were more soldiers in the stadium that football fans. Soldiers were in their hotel and c**p too because they don't want people to associate with Westerners. Also, There's no lighting at night so when the sun goes down, it's actually pitch back. He said it's probably the worst country on Earth. South Korea is really cool though.

  4. I'm South Korean.

    I can say that we have a same history until around 60 years ago but now it became very different in aspects of social and economic.

    North Korean people are dying of starvation and South Korean people became more indifferent toward it by days and most young people have no desire for unification.

    (plus new South Korean government by new president abolished the Ministry of National Unification )

    For your question, North Korean government kept try to being foreign with South Korea since beginning of the government and they seems to change words and accent intentionally.

    I think it is more foreign than American English and British English.

    Something in common.....

    both Korea spending a lot of money on war expenditure... and have same history until 60 years ago..

    Both Korean boys go army.

    (North Korean women also go army but South Korean women are free from that.)

    South for 2 years and North for 10 years(or more)

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