
Does norton ghost just restore data, or can it restore programs also?

by  |  earlier

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I ran a restore when i had to reload windows. It appears to have stuck my programs back, but they just are not there. It will not let me make a recovery disk. Is it possible to restore my software from a backup on ghost, or can I only restore data?




  1. Ghost will restore your computer to the state it was when you made the image, including all programs, software, data, cache, browser history, etc. It will be as if you hadn't done any work on your computer since that time.

  2. From the earliest version of Ghost [e.g., 3.1], being a disk cloning program, it can backup everything in a computer: files data, software and all.

    Probably when you did a Ghost backup, you only did a partial or selective back-up, thus what you have now in the back-up are only some data, but not the software contained in your computer before.

    So no amount of restoring your software from the backup would restore them, if the backup copy does not include them in the first place.

    If you have a copy of the software installation files, then manually reinstall them back. Then do a complete back-up using Ghost. Use the disk clone feature, instead of pre-selecting which files or folders are included in the new back-up, so that the next time you restore files from the new back-up everything will be there: data files, applications, etc.

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