
Does not flushing the toilet help save money?

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Well, I'm down to about 50 dollars and I need to save water. Will this help?




  1. Look at your power bill from last month. Wastewater charges are a much smaller percentage of your bill than electricity.

    Turn lights out, unplug stuff and don't use the stove. Use a microwave if you can instead. Hang your laundry on a line instead of using the dryer and use only cold water to wash the laundry. Wash only full loads, keep showers as tepid as you can stand and brief. Don't cool your house with AC, instead open windows.

    $50 isn't going to get you far though. Conserving money won't do it, and I know I could never get the bill even below $100 with the cost of energy lately.

  2. When it's yellow, let it mellow.

    When it's brown, flush it down.

    Edit----You beat me to it kimba626

  3. Rule of Thumb::::

      If its Yellow-let it Mellow,

      If its Brown-flush it Down!!! LOL

  4. You will save approx. 1.3 gallons per flush. Do it 3 times a day and you have saved 1424 gallons of water in a year. Imagine if everyone did that !

  5. Considering that your odds of getting married are much smaller with a filthy bowl, Yes it could save you a bundle.

  6. Not really.  

    You may end up spending more money just cleaning the toilet/bathroom area from all the stinkies left and then the toilet may clog because too much is being flushed at once.

    Water is super cheap.  You only use a few gallons = a few pennies, each flush.

  7. It can but it's minimal there are other ways to help save money you can try:

    1) Only use lights at night and only one room at a time

    2) do not buy fast food or prepared food, make your own meals, buy only things on sale and cook in bulk and freeze food, that way you save money on gas/electricity

    3) don't buy name brands

    4) use public transportation or carpool

    5) don't use the dryer, air dry

    6) get rid of paper towels and kleenex and use toilet tissue instead

    7) don't do small loads of clothing

  8. grandma's got a brand-new hat.

    gonna wear it all night long.

  9. don't flush if just going #1 and if u live alone

  10. I use a 5 gallon pail that used to hold paint.  Has a nice tight lid, & it sits under this lite weight chair that has a toilet seat built in..

    All you have to to take the lid off the bucket before you sit down..I use the blue stuff with water in the pail..camper stores sell it.  You have to have a  place to throw it before the bucket gets to heavy..I usually throw in on my neighbors garden..

  11. If it's yellow, let it mellow.  If it's brown, flush it down!

    Also check the capacity of your toilet tank.  If it's not a water-saving variety, you can always put bricks or water filled pop bottles in the tank so that when you do flush, you're not flushing as much water.  Just don't do this for a water-saving toilet!

  12. Well, you can get a low flow toilet, but you can also remember

    If it is yellow, let it mellow

    if it is brown flush it down.

    You can also save water by, not running the water while brushing your teeth, use dixie cups.

    Take 5 minute shower, wet, soap, rinse,   Don't stand under shower for 20 minutes.

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