
Does not having money cause you depression while you are manic?

by  |  earlier

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I have all the symptoms of mania right now, and my urge to buy the summer trash i usually buy is not being fulfilled because i basically spent all the money from my last 2 jobs and lost my last job due to my disability, but that was a while ago.

I am looking for a job, but not having money is really hurting me, I mean i have enough to grab food and relax with friends, but i have no money to give myself pleasure by buying all these new laptops and phones coming out...

I am going crazy and i am starting to feel depressed whenever money comes up in my mind, does this happen or am i just going crazy?




  1. If you have symptoms of a depression and mania at the same time that is a mixed episode, however if you are just annoyed that you have no money that could all be part of the irritability of mania. When I am manic I give my debit card to my bf for safe-keeping cos I know I'll end up in debt if I don't. Just remind yourself that you don't need laptops and phones at the moment, you just want them. Hope you feel better soon.

  2. Deprivation of your creature comforts is very annoying

    It will bring depression and you have to address the problem

    Go to the library and research your area of depression

    also use the computer to find sights that have people with the

    same problems you have

    There is over 400 self help groups for compulsion and obsessing

    You should wathc MONK on TV he is a real Obsessive * Compulsive personality

    You are still in tough with reality so you have some sanity left

    Just take it one day at a time and find a good therapist who deals

    with depression.  It could be a physical or chemical unbalance.

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