
Does oil will be gone forever?

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IN THE FUTURE... Does any kind of oil will be gone forever? What about the fuel will be gone forever?

Dude... If no more oil and fuel... how I can drive a car without oil and fuel? How I can buy more paints with different color? Vehicle Sports, BMX with some of oil, and food with olive oil, and more!!!




  1. No it wont be finished because the factories always make those kind of oil again and again and again. UNTIL at worlds end.

  2. oil will soon be gone but we are coming up with new fuel        once we use it up its gone forever

  3. Olive oil is renewable...

    it practically grows on trees.

    if you mean oil for your car, there is enough to last 500 years, and by then we will have a hydrogen powered car that is actually cheap.

  4. MORE.... GREEN.....CARS!

  5. The plants are doing a great job of recycling CO2 into O2 and the plant keeps the C. After the plant leaves die ,they will break down into oil & gas . We will never run out of fossil fuels. We may get short on some kinds but we should be useing Coal first as it is the oldest.

  6. oil is a non-renewable source of energy it can be remade but we won't be around by then.

    people are converting to electric cars which is a good thing may be a bit slower but does that really matter.

    when all the oil dryes up yes it may be mayhem but we need to be earth friendly.

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