I ask this question in relation to another:
If God created Humans with free will, the ability to think and act independently of God's thoughts and commands, then can there also be any fate/destiny? How can God have any foresight, any predictions on the actions or thoughts of Humans if we are able to think and act independently of Him?
When it comes to Humans trying to predict the actions of other humans, it is free will that adds unpredictability to the mix. However, because God can predict and foresee anything and everything, there is no unpredictability, and, as I am now seeing it, no true free will in the eyes of God.
But I want you to correct me. Reaffirm me.
But I want real answers, or at least an attempt at one, not just, "Well, God's logic is beyond us, so there is no finding out for you."
Think. At least try to answer.