
Does one need to know Italian to get around in Venice?

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We are debating a trip to Venice next year, but neither of us speak Italian, and our only familiarity with the romantic languages is high school Spanish, which was nearly a decade ago.




  1. No. There are many English speaking people there!

    However, it certainly helps...even if just out of a phrase book.

    & I think it's more considerate to show a little effort in getting to 'know' a country's people in many ways. Afterall, they made the effort to learn English, regardless of whether it's the universal language or not!

    Anyway, you'll do fine getting around & I am SOOOO envious!! I was there years ago & it is a BEAUTIFUL, interesting city, so much fun!!!

    Enjoy & be safe =)

  2. Nope Venice is full of tourists most of whom don't speak italian . . . nearly all the locals work in the tourist industry and speak at least some english.

  3. Hi Kurt,

    In my opinion the most romantic city ever is Venice.  You do not need to speak Italian to enjoy any of the sights.

    When are you planning on visiting next year? I'm going back again this year and so looking forward to it.

  4. dont there are a lot of tourists from all the world and no one speak italian

  5. :D it's a ROMANCE language, not a "romantic" language

    anyway Venice is full of tourists from all the world, surely it's easier if you can speak italian, but you can visit it with no problem without speakin' it

  6. Just got back last week, and even when I tried to use the little Italian that I know, they'd just speak back in English. You'll be just fine. My parents were there separately, and they don't know a word and had no problems. But DO go ahead and by a map when you get there--those little streets are confusing! Totally amazing city, it seems like a Disney creation!

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