I wanted to marry this Christian lady that I love & knew for more than 15 yrs. My religion (Islam) says that, I as man, I can marry the People-of-the-Books (Jews, Chistians & Muslims). The wife may stick to her faith. But imams & local religious authority disallowed it, they come out with many new fatwas (luckily they don't follow cult imams of other country that issued fatwa allowing suicide bombings)
Now, why are they changing the rules? They ask her to convert. Meaning she has to change her faith. Change her belief. Change God.
Can't they see that changing God is not as easy as changing laptops? My goodness!
Mixed Marriage Examples:
Arafat (fomer Palestinian leader) is a Muslim, his wife was a Catholic & Arafat used to be invited to mass gatherings in churches.
Sukarno, (former Indonesian president) a Muslim. His wife was a Christian.
Quran 2:62 & 5:69
"Surely those who have faith (in Islam) and the Jews and the Christians and the Sabaeans - whoever believes in God and the Last Day - their reward is with their Lord and they will neither fear nor grieve"