
Does opinion matter?

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Ok here's the deal my finance has been talking about moving to another trailor right next door to us. I have told her numerous times that I do not want to move and I am comfortable where we are at now. After I told her that, she made it sound like she doesn't care what I think and that her and her daughter are gonna move regardless and if I come along then whatever. The only real difference in the trailors is that one is all electric and the other we live in is half gas/half electric. I just don't know how to go about dealing with this problem. If she isnt gonna care what I think than why would I want to marry her?




  1. Your last sentence makes a good point. You sound pretty open minded and she sounds stubborn. I have only been married a year but its all about comprimise. My suggestion? Sit down with her....both of you be VERY open minded and write down all the pros and cons of staying or moving. Maybe by the end of it one of you will be more receptive once its layed all out. If that doesnt work go to a quick couples counseling session and figure out whats really going on.  

  2. Opinion always matters but in relationships so does compromise. Sounds like this has turned in to an all or nothing row, sit down and right a list of positive and negatives whilst considering that this is for the woman you love and a child!
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