
Does oral count as losing your virginty??

by Guest66551  |  earlier

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  1. A person giving or receiving oral s*x is not a virgin.  s*x=loss of virginity, oral s*x is s*x.

  2. You have already had s*x, I don't think virginity is an issue.

  3. nasty

  4. No way!!!  I got scked twenty times just to save mine.

  5. no but it makes you a little bit S****y ; )

  6. It's a sexual act, but no, you haven't lost your virginity until you're fully inside a woman, or a man is fully inside you (depending on what gender you are)  

  7. no

  8. For a man counts.

  9. i would go with no... i wouldnt consider that losing your virginity. intercourse is losing your virginity

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