
Does ordinary food affect people wanting to eat in a restaurant?

by Guest32937  |  earlier

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are you aware of ordinary foods when you eat in a restaurant? have you try asking yourself that this food might be bought from supermarket.




  1. markets are required meet the same standards as food distributors. The only issue wood br transportation to the restaurant.

  2. Maybe you could clarify your question.

    I read the question and some of the answers and have to say wtf.

    Why would restaurant owners/managers buy retail from a supermarket when they can make a bigger mark up on wholesale goods.

    If you mean that you could buy the same thing prepackaged at a supermarket you have been eating in the wrong places; again also why would even a mediocre restaurant buy prepackaged goods when there is seriously more money in buying fresh groceries (wholesale) and preparing a meal.

  3. ordinary is what ordinary does?

    Do you mean unadultarated by additives preservatives, pesticides, herbacides, that kinda thing?

    Lots of Restaurants in Sydney have specialty clientelle, for example one well taken care of customer saves thousands in advertising?

    Oxford street has anything but ordinary folk, exceptional, what a shame Gibal has gone from the Tandori Palace!

    Supermarket? Which one, some specialize in junk food.

    There used to be this restaurant in Blackheath, because heaps of decadent folk went to the blue mountains to celebrate the flapper era of art deco where anything went, and the medlo bath hotel had a reputation. Folks sort places where they could smoke and eat, now illegal with patrons copping a $6000 fine and the establishment $60,000 so this tiny cafe found patrons had allergies to cigarettes, to this, to that, to the other, the poor lady had a shopping list with over 1000 items as a chef for her patrons and was completely booked out all day going maximum capacity, the smokers cafe too, but now? I must go back and find out!

    Thanks for your comment, restaurants are a glorified cafe, if you think your Micky Dees or Macca's are a restaurant? Oh dear, junk food is adding to a sickness budget robbing this poor nations health budget again and again!

  4. Meatloaf!!!and Patotoes!!and Carrots,beans.

  5. well for me i guess its possible but restaurants are known to have their own cheifs and if i were to own a restaurant i must have one too to maintain my customers.

    even ordinary foods from one restaurant to another has its own accent in its appearance and taste. restaurants owners for me maybe will not do such thing to maintain a stable business and attract customers. right?

  6. It does for me.  My husband will try to get me to go to certain restaurants and I tell him that what they have on their money I can make at home.  I want to go to a restaurant that serves different items.  Items that I hardly ever eat or can't make myself.

  7. I don't order anything that I might cook at home. When I get a chance to eat at Pancho's Mexican Buffet, I get Chile Rellenos, because I have problems with fried foods...I don't like to clean up the mess.  I'd rather let  someone else get that lucky chore.

  8. I am not sure what your question is but my personal opinion is I don't go out for dinner and eat something that I can easily make at home (and probably make better).

    So I rarely eat pasta when I go out because it is so easy to make at home.

    Indian and Thai are harder unless you have a really good selection of spices at home and of course can take longer to make.

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