
Does our dog have a twisted ankle?

by  |  earlier

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We took our dog, Storm, to the dog park, when we were leaving we noticed she was limping. She only slightly used that leg and the next day it seemed it was getting better but then we were walking her and she got out of her leash and started to run. She started limping again and then out of the blue fell. She started crying and rolled over on her back. We carried her back to the house and after about a half- hour she started walking again ( still limping) should we be worried or should we wait before we take her to the vet. I think she might have twisted her angle. What should we do?




  1. It is unlikely she has twisted her ankle but a common cause of lameness in back legs is cruciate ligament problems (knee ligament). If this problem has not resolved with rest I would recommend taking her to see your vet who can examine the leg and give you an acurrate diagnosis. Do not give any painkillers intended for humans as the can cause serious illness.

  2. How old is your dog?

  3. you should take her to the vet because it might be something serious like a broken leg, sometimes dogs dont know to worry about stuff like their own health. you should take her just in case its serious. "better safe than sorry"

  4. take her to the vet  


    (yes I know that is shouting!)

    I thought my dog had a sore ankle, but after a few days it didn't clear up I took him to the vet.

    The Vet ray-ed it and it turned out to be bone cancer.

    Don't Delay! Get to the VET ASAP.

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