
Does our government do hazing in training?

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or is that illegal?




  1. It's illegal, against the military regulations  and you can also report any incidences of it up the chain of command if it makes you uncomfortable. I've gone through BCT/AIT with no problems. The Drill Sergeants and Instructors cannot physically touch you except for training purposes, to help you if you become injured/sick or if you're about to do something stupid they can take you to the ground. Now they can do more more than that, even though they're not supposed to, all in good fun. One of our DS had a habit of taking off his kevlar and smacking it into the helmets of any soldiers nodding off during safety briefings etc hehe.

  2. hazing is illegal. They also CANT call you whatever names they want. Although sometimes they do, they should be following their SOP which does not allow for name calling.

  3. They do have a special training program that involves hazing.  It is totally voluntary and the recruit can drop out at any time.

  4. "Hazing" is totally illegal ... however boot camp is not for the weak heart or one that gets their feelings hurt easily or can't hold their anger in

  5. It is totally illegal...

    They can scream at you... They can call you names... They can SAY anything they want to you! But Hazing involves TOUCHING and pranks and stupidity that can lead to injury and that is illegal.

  6. While abusive behavior in training has been cleaned up (in general) since the Vietnam war, there are some training programs that are very brutal. One of them is "captivity" training, where soldiers are bound, gagged, and blindfolded for extended periods of time. That should be considered hazing and illegal.

  7. There is no such thing as hazing, just additional hands on combatives training.

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