
Does our mood have anything to do with our paranormal experiences?

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How does being clinically depressed effect our ghost experiences?

Or if we are extreeme happy?




  1. Lets start with is this clinically depressed person your speaking of,on medication or been diagnosed  with clinical depression; because it really does matter.And as far as the paranormal  goes,yes there is many emotions an mood swings that can go along with investigating.I believe that  if you are depressed ,you should first deal with the depression,because your mental state is more important than any paranormal investigation!without your state of mind being healthy your observation in to the paranormal could become confusing and even harmful.....take care of the situation,and when it stabilizes then slowly with your doctors okay,slowly venture into  the category of your choice....!How do I know about this ?I to a very long time ago fought  my battle with depression,and won! most emotions during paranormal investigations fluctuate with each new adventure...sometimes it can be from where,what when an how the investigation goes for each person.keep a journal and always use the buddy system on any  investigation;if things start getting weird tell your friend and try again some other time.this is a fixable, so take care an Blessed be.......!

  2. your mood and state of mind  does effect the activity

  3. It does. If your excited, you may think you seen a ghost when you didn't.

  4. This is an interesting question.  Personally I believe our psychological state, along with our current belief system and our ability to understand the world around us, has everything to do with whether or not we attribute a paranormal cause to an experience.

  5. In my experiences, the calmer you are the more likely you are to have experiences.

    Strong emotions in any direction usually include a slightly more preoccupied mind so its harder to notice minute subtlies.

    I hope that helps. :)

  6. Yes, our moods do effect our experiences. Most questions you have received have been on how our moods effect investigations and very good explanations. I will not add to the investigation part.

    Many hauntings in my experience is due to moods. I believe spirits follow and attach themselves to people they can  far a lack of a better word be comfortable around. One reason I do not suggest exorcisms. This only tends to upset the already angry spirit.

    Many hauntingsdue to extreme depression and many times due to the negative energy sent out daily by the person being haunted. Drug addictions and alcoholism only tends to attract negative malevolent spirits.

    That is why the method of removing negative spirits I uses is to have the people involved to examine themselves and change their lifestyle that may be causing this. Addictions need to be addressed and any extreme depression needs to be treated. When this is taken care of the spirits will usually leave and find somewhere else to haunt.


  7. From what I understand,you are more likely to see a ghost,etc,if you are in a frightened or angry mood.

    However,this has just been reported,and there is no real evidence to suggest that this may be true.

  8. Of course. Some of the things that I found out really scared me.

  9. I'd say yes, for mood affects outlook. At the moment of 'contact', that is, when something paranormal occurs,(a sighting), I do a quick self-check: Am I rested, well-fed, unmedicated, unstressed? What is the immediate environment? Is there any rational explanation for this event, or is this truly 'one for the books'? If I'm comfortable that there is nothing to be done but observe and report, that's what I do. Calmly and scientifically.

  10. I was on a ghost hunting investigation with my team last night, and mood DEFINITELY effected our investigation! The members of the team that were excited to be exploring an old haunt (pun totally intended) were energetic and literally led the way, while the ones who were nervous and scared stayed in the car.

    I should note though that pertaining to your question, the leader of the group that did most of the investigating is clinically depressed. I'm not sure what type you have, but the group leader was bi-polar (which could explain his bright mood).

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