
Does outer space ever end?

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Think about this - Outer space Never Ends - it goes on forever. BUT - If outer space is not endless, then what is on the other side if it does end?




  1. Remember the fact that there is space so no matter how far you travel in it you can never reach the end. We are in the middle of something so wonderfull & so amazing That we can not comprehend it!! The amazing thing is that some day each & everyone of us will !!!!! Amen

  2. It is the void on the other side that bothers me. Our so-called "universe" may end but the void beyond our universe HAS to be never-ending. If you really really think about it, It seems impossible for space to go on forever, but at the same time it is impossible for it to just stop.

    I give myself panic attacks just thinking about this concept.

  3. I believe God made everything and if your good one day you will know.

  4. i believe that god made space i also believe that space or heaven will never end because thats how god made it, thats how its supposed to be, and thats what its mean't to be so there space or heaven will never ever end it will go on for infinity and beyond

  5. Inner space is a mirror, of Outer space. And what's outer space more than your thoughts. Another words, Its all in your own head. There is no End wall, to your thoughts is there !

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