
Does overpopulation contribute to global warming?

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I've been hearing issues that overpopulation causes global warming. Is that true? If yes, how?




  1. This global warming stuff is all BS, it's being used to brain wash the peoples of the world with propaganda so the governments can "control the people".

    If there is any true warming taking place then it's coming from God himself, and no fool man can do one single thing about it.

  2. consumption = population x individual consumption. so both are equally important.

  3. sure does ! more population = using more resources = higher pollution

  4. yeah so they say

  5. sure

  6. Well Jim z there are more people than the food supply can support.  That seems more like a fact than an opinion.

  7. If there are more people, then there will be more electricity used, more coal burned, etc., so more global warming.

  8. yes it problay is the more people more waste made but people seems to cause all earths problems.

  9. Well if you believe that global warming is not directly related to the natural elevation of the universe it does. I personally believe that global warming is a result of cyclic planetary shift. Having said that, there is a real threat associated with overpopulation to our air and water quality. We know that's a fact. Al Gore did not invent the Internet but God did create the universe.

  10. It might contribute to increased warming but there is no way to know how much.  If you asked does increased population result in significantly increased global warming, I would have said, probably not.  When you use the word, "overpopulation" , that word is indicative of an opinion and cannot be used to elicit an accurate scientific response.  One person's overpopulation is another person's Party.    Obviously there aren't too many of those in the overly populated that consider their lives over the threshold of what is too much, but then again there are probably some on this topic that have numerous issues with mankind.

  11. Perhaps not to warming - humans are insignificant compared to the effects of the sun's irregular energy output and Earth's irregular orbit.

    Overpopulation certainly contributes to ecosystem destruction, pollution, destruction of even renewable resources.

  12. No, there are no scientific studies which support man's causing or contributing in any significant way to the climate.

  13. It's a simple scaling (multiplication) issue.

    1 person driving a car and burning coal to heat their home would have no effect on the climate at all.

    1 Million people driving cars and burning coal would have no effect on the climate. Far too insignificant emission levels.

    1 Billion people driving cars and burning coal and you'll start seeing greenhouse gas levels rise significantly.

    10 Billion people (we're not there yet) driving cars and burning coal would increase greenhouse gas levels in our atmosphere far faster than any of the scenarios scientists have been trying to model.

  14. yes it does.

    because the more people there are, the more resources, energy and waste being produced. The more people the more the chaos and more the pollution.

    that is why China has laws with how many kids a couple is allowed to produce. Because of the over population and the damage it is giving the environment....

  15. I will say its not the population in and of itself, but how resources are utilized. If a nation like the U.S. or China, which is environmentally irresponsible, is heavily populated, you can expect its wastefulness to increase with population. However, if a country that is environmentally responsible is heavily populated and that extra population learns from its culture, it will not increase emissions and the like.

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