
Does pain from braces get worse or better?

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I just got braces today early in the morning and I'm going to a concert tomorrow night; will the pain from my braces get worse or get better tomorrow?




  1. worse the second day hurts the most

  2. It will get worse tomorrow. Trust me, I was all fine the first day. I ate whatever I wanted. The next morning, I woke up a little late so I didn't have enough time for breakfast. Then, at lunch at school, I couldn't bite into my burrito! It hurt. It will get better after 3 or 4 days though.

  3. once your teeth start to move, it will hurt a lot.  i had to swallow cheese pieces whole my first week with braces.  it sucked!  i lost weight my first week.  good luck.  

  4. after a few months you dont even notice it.

    theyll be really sore for the first while, but it gets better.  theyll be SORT OF sore when you get new elastics put on and what not, but after a bit you dont even notice it.

  5. You will most likely be fairly uncomfortable at the concert tomorrow night.  The best thing I can recommend is making sure you take Advil for the pain and inflammation.  Also, if your orthodontist gave you soft wax to cover your braces with, USE IT!  The brackets will begin to wear on the insides of your cheeks and lips and you will get little sores.  Best of luck to you.  I'm sure you will be very happy once you are done with them.  Oh, Orajel can help with some of the topical pain.

  6. well it will only hurt if u eat! make sure to bring the wax ur dentist gave u. so if u get a sore during the concert it stops the pain. it will get better after 3 days to a week depending on how sensitive ur teeth are.

        enjoy ir concert!

  7. much much better, wait later in the day? worse. take advil. i thought you meant over time.

  8. I had braces for 4 years. I would say that by the 3rd day they feel alot better but are still tender. Then you wont bother you much at all until you have your next appointment and they re adjust them again. But they are definetly going to be tender tonight for the concert. Good Luck

  9. i got mine yesterday afternoon and feeling rather ok today i guess. it still feels weird having many many metal thingies in my mouth but other than the pressure on my teeth n all, im good. u know wat, i would say just go to the concert with ur friends n have fun! u'd probably b so busy enjoying the concert that u wont think of the pain.

    enjoy ur concert! ;)

  10. i hope better it WILL hurt cause it moves your teeth like mine did

  11. From personal experience, the second day is the worse. But the third day will be almost painless. They will get worse, unfortunately, but, if you take some advil or something throughout the day, it should be okay.  

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