
Does paint-balling hurt?

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My friend invited me to go paint-balling? (oddly) And I was just wondering if it hurts when you get hit?




  1. a ball that travels far enough gets bigger and hardens to the point of a marble. it hurts a bit but its way worth it

  2. it does hurt and you do get bruises but while you are playing paintball you have such a huge adrenalin rush that it doesn't hurt while playing it's not until after or the next day that is hurts and the bruises can get sore when your friends keep poking them.

  3. yep

  4. No. it hurts a little bit its no more pain then being pinched. And it is **** if u dont run around and get hit. if u stay behind cover it is **** and boring which everyone does tend to do depending who u r playing. so run around and get hit dont be a p***y. Also dont expext to much it is a bit overated, its fun but does get a bit boring

  5. idk it looks fun though

  6. You can get bruises, but who cares? The fun is worth it, don't be a pansy.

  7. yes, it hurts

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