
Does parent residency matter in FAFSA? or In-state Tuition?

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I am currently living in Arizona with my parents and I am going to ASU(Arizona State University) this fall. My parents are going to move to another state before end of this year.

My questions are:

1) Will I still be eligible for In-state Tuition? even though my parents are going to be in different state? Do colleges care what your parent's residency is? or they just look at students?

2) Will I be qualified for FAFSA even if my parents file taxes in different state? and I file in Arizona?




  1. Check with the university to make sure, but since you are still a dependant, I would think that your parents address would be yours also, even if you live on campus.

  2. If your parents move after you enroll in college, it won't matter one way or the other.  If they move before you enroll, you could have a problem.  Call your schools admission office to be sure.  Fafsa is a federal fin aid application and it won't matter what state you live in.

  3. Yes your parents residency matters.  If you are their dependent you will have issues once they move.  In most instances you have to verify residency inorder to qualify for in-state tuition.  I mean that is what it means in-state - living in the state - otherwise everyone would do it.  Most states do not allow living on campus to count towards in-state.  BUt call your school and ask them

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