
Does pasta (spaghetti) contains sugar?

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Is it OK for Diabetic, considering spaghetti (with tomato sauce, no other sidings) is my staple food. As an Asian, I use to eat rice, but I heard it also contains sugar.




  1. your body can metabolise the starch in it to sugar. i would lay light on it to be safe ...

  2. your diabetic and you didnt know carbs contained sugar

  3. It contains starch.

    Starch is a polymer (complex form) of glucose which is sugar.

    Your saliva and enzymes break down starch to glucose.

    If you leave pasta in your mouth for a few minutes, it tastes sweet... try it

  4. i know you should not eat white rice or white bread

  5. Pasta is complex carbohydrate which breaks down into simple carbohydrate (sugar) when it is digested. It's pretty much the same thing with rice.

    If you have diabetes and you aren't sure about what to eat, please talk to your doctor. A referral to a dietitian would be a good idea if you need a diet plan.

  6. Pasta is a carbohydrate, therefore a bio-molecule composed of sugar molecules. The body breaks down the carbohydrates into the simple building blocks that it can then utilize within the body.

    If your are worried about pasta and diabetes, then try to look for the glycemic index or the insulin index in the nutrition information. This will tell you the how the carbohydrate will affect your levels of either glucose or insulin within the bloodstream.

  7. make your own sauce. most natural products contain a small amount of sugar but if you buy brown or white rice and plain canned tomatoes you can control the amount of sugar that goes into your final product.

  8. every pasta has at least some sugar in it, its called gluten

  9. Home-made is always best, as you can control what goes in it:,1735,153...,1618,1451...



  10. um...yes it has sugar...

  11. Whole wheat pasta is a better choice for a diabetic that semolina (durum wheat) pasta. The reason is semolina pasta is made from refined wheat, while whole wheat pasta is made from unrefined wheat. Complex carbs are found primarily in whole grain products and vegetables. Simple or refined carbohydrates are in those foods whose grains have been stripped of their bran and/or germ layers, and have been broken down into smaller parts from the long chains they once were. This distinction is important because, although the body eventually converts all food needed for energy into glucose, it takes longer to do so for complex carbs, resulting in a slower rise in blood sugar and a longer period of digestion. In other words, you will feel fuller longer, and will miss out on the rapid rise and fall in blood sugar that accompanies eating large amounts of refined carbs. Below is a link to the American Diabetes Association, there is a wealth of info there. Hope this helps.

    P.S.  An easier way to explain is no, pasta does not contain added sugar, but yes, when the body breaks it down for energy use, it converts to glucose, which is a sugar. With diabetics complex carbs are best, and should be used in moderation.

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