
Does paying your electric bill, cable bill and water bill help your credit?

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my husband and i are trying to build our credit. will the above help? and what are some other ways to build credit fast. we got married at 16 so we made lots of bad choices. so we have the worst credit. any advice to get it up quick? please and thank you.




  1. yes, definitely.  you can check your credit score here:

  2. No they don't those are necessities I'm not sure about cable!But gas,water,electric are necessities

  3. There's a program called PBRC you can join free. They have teamed with FICO to create a new report called the FICO Expansion Score.

    You can learn more about it at the link referenced below.

  4. No. The utility bills don't show up on your FICO score unless you didn't pay them.(Then it's really bad cause they aren't usually on FICO score) There is no quick fix. Start paying your credit cards, all loans, etc. on time. Go to the book store and look under the finance section - there are lots of books about how to repair your credit. Or go to the book store, find the books, and see if your local library has them (free!) FICO has loans and credit cards. Major credit cards are better to have than store cards. Store cards (department stores, etc.) can bring your credit score down quickly. Better to have Visa, MasterCard etc.It takes at least a year of showing you pay everything on time to make a difference. But, really, buy a book.

  5. Yeah, also get a gas card.

  6. Paying utility bills on time doesn't build good credit.  However, not paying will hurt credit.

    Build up your credit by getting a charge card and using it wisely.  Pay off your balances on time.  The more you demonstrate that you are creditworthy, the more companies will offer you credit cards.  

    Get a decent-paying job and keep it long enough to move up in responsibility and earnings.  

    Stay at one address for a long time.  Drifters are not creditworthy.

    Have some money in the bank.  If you live hand-to-mouth, then forget the luxury items.  Save enough money to be financially secure for 6 months, in case you're between jobs.

  7. Yes, it does.

  8. Yes, paying your utilities will help build your credit provided that you are paying on time.

    Honestly, it takes time to reestablish good credit. I suggest requesting you and your husband's credit reports. Look for anything on there you are not aware of and dispute it. By doing this, the agency will look into it, and if it's fraudulent, they'll have to remove it. (Fair credit report act)

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