
Does peanut butter flow?

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This is an odd question, but I was wondering, if I take a new jar of regular creamy peanut butter and turn it upside down on my desk, will it eventually settle on the bottom? Will the bottom of the jar (now on top) be completely clear?

Assuming it doesn't dry out first and it's given plenty of time undisturbed.




  1. At 20 deg.

    the viscosity of peanut butter is 150 to 250 Pa -sec.

    for honey it is 10, and ketchup is 50.

    At 30 or 40 deg. the oil is not mixed well with the peanut paste, that is why I said 20 deg.

  2. Yes.  Depending on the warmth of the day though, it may take longer or a shorter period of time.  On a hot day, it'd go faster.  On a cold day, slower.

    Also, natural peanutbutters, the type with oil on the top you have to mix in, will take much longer than normal peanutbutters.

  3. yes eventually it would because it isnt a completely solid solid. there would probably be some left at the top but most would, given time, go to the bottom.

  4. Of course!

  5. This seems like it'd be awfully easy to test yourself. You probably spent more time typing this question in than it would have taken to walk into the kitchen and tested it.

    I'm with the "temperature dependent crowd".  

  6. yes it will just takes time

  7. no

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