
Does peeing in your pants count as public urination?

by  |  earlier

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I am sitting on the park bench with my iphone, and I gotta pee REALLY baddly! I'd just go on the tree, but there is a police officer nearby and my town has strict anti-public urination laws. I can't get out of his sight before I would wet my pants. I am wondering: Does peeing in your pants count as public urination? If I am going to get a ticket/arrested anyway, I would rather have dry underwear, but I would rather pee in my underpants and jeans than get a ticket.




  1. Can't you just leave the park?

  2. Pee discreetly.

  3. how about get up and find a public toilet  long before your about to pee on yourself

    nothing more disgusting and frustrating than seeing a grown *** person pissing their pants

  4. No, it does not.  There was no exposure involved and the urine stays in your clothes and pools in your shoes, so it stays on your person.  I would take the ticket or find some other way.

  5. If you can't control your bladder function any better than that, I would suggest investing in a pack of depends for when you go out in public.

  6. go pee.. it isn't illegal to pee your pants.. you just have to be able to deal with wearing them until you get home to change.

    If it were illegal old people would quit going out entirely..

  7. I'm pretty sure it is.

    Just let it all out and pee on a tree.  Do it man!

  8. how old are you anyway?

    you need to be pondering more important things than this.

  9. if its  in public yeah

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