
Does people eat alot of meat get hot easily than the people that eat less?

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Does people eat alot of meat get hot easily than the people that eat less?




  1. Well people with more body fat tends to get hot easier than people with less body fat. Having all that skin covering you is like having a blanket covering you.

  2. I read up somewhere (unfortunatly don't remember where) that the higher intake of protein you have the higher your body temperature is. Meat of course is high in protein.  

  3. No, that sounds more like soda.

  4. No, that is an old wives tale.

  5. I haven't noticed a difference.  If you have trouble with getting hot you should just drink a lot of water.  Staying hydrated can make you feel cooler.  You can also try staying in the shade and air conditioning.  They even have head bands you can wear that you freeze ahead of time.  I bet that would keep you cool!

  6. I don't think the difference would be noticeable, but our digestive system produces more heat when it's digesting protein. It wouldn't matter if that protein is from meat, beans, seeds, or nuts. This is why people usually eat a lite lunch on a hot day and eat a late dinner.  

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