
Does personality matter more over physical appearance when people treat you?

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That is, do people treat you rudely or at least without much respect when you're not attractive or when you're shy and quiet?




  1. its sad but true

  2. The answer to your question is "yes."  While it really doesn't happen with me, our society has the "talent" of being able to discriminate against one whom is less beautiful.  It is a sad fact, but it is true.  The psychology behind it is this-  people like beauty, so they will tend to shoot for appearance more than ability, talent, etc.  While this behavior is not necessarily appropriate, our society has actually cradled that idea, thus making it more acceptable.

  3. yeah i read this study that people treat unattractive people worse than attractive people. sucks but it's pretty much the way it is. so i guess it's good to be average looking. you don't get treated great, but you don't get treated bad. lol

  4. Appearance is probably most important. It's what you are first judged on when someone meets you. People who are deemed attractive do have an upper hand in our society. There was an experiment done which I witnessed where an attractive male was selling $2 chocolate bars in the mall. He was your typical stereotypical "hunk." He made lots and lots of money, 100+ dollars. The next day, he was instructed to wear a piece that made him appear to have a larger than average nose (it looked real). This day, he sold 2 chocolate bars.

    It's sad, but "unattractive people" have to fight to get ahead more so in our society.

  5. physical appearance creates first impressions. and as we always say, first impressions tend to last.

    people have tendency to behave differently depending on who they are talking to. mainly because people tend to develop physical stereotypes of power - and since humans are creatures of habit - they tend to apply this in day to day living.

    if you look hotter - then favors are certainly flowing for you as compared to when your looks are average. depending on cultural backgrounds - some are happy to treat you when you are white as compared to colored skins.

    physical apperances tend to help people manifest their social  perceptions

  6. We live in a cruel world. All of these social expectations, sadly, we made up. So now we have to deal with it. Sad to say it, but it seems like physical attractiveness may be more important in our society than intelligence.

  7. Sorry but yes people tend to do that

  8. I disagree with the answers so far.. i find that personality wins with me all the time...i would rather be involved with  people with great personalities

  9. That is a definite we are a society based on appearances and unfortunately plastic surgeon have capitalized on that.

  10. You bet it does! Physical beauty and "tallness" or hight (especially for guys) is not only helpful, but essential if you plan to exceed in this mess we call society.


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