
Does peru have computers?

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Does peru have computers?




  1. Duh! do u think Peru is some technology-challenged world?

    and that guy that said that they still use smoke signals to communicate, you are PATHETIC. I chat with my family all the time in Peru, via e-mail. There not still living in the 19th century!

  2. What a stupid question !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. What kind of question is this???? Is it for real? We aren't a poor country you know, we have malls, big houses, supermarkets, and so on, just like you guys...

  4. sorry we had them on our mailing list. should be there day after tomorrow.  here's what happened: I was talkin to a representative of Bill Gates' and I say to him "Hey! Peru, they dont have "em yet. " the guy says "let me run that by a few people" and voila! next thing I know we are packing every conceivable piece of electronic doodad and gadget we can get our hands on, all ready to ship them to peru but wouldnt ya know it lunchtime came and during our meal we got to talking and one of the questions that came up was " will Peru use computers responsibly? well the guy in shipping overheard and thought we'd cancelled the shipment to Peru. I think your shipment ended up in argentina. But ya should be gettin them soon.

  5. stupid question, you must be extremely ignorant

  6. Wow. How long did it take you to formulate that question? Did your styrofoam helmet fit too tight? The restraints for your chair on the short bus not working? Did you bump your head? Holy mackeral. You need to go apply for a job with Miriam -Webster. Im sure they need a photo example of Inane.

  7. What an idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  8. There is an Apple Store in Lima, which is the capital of Peru.  You can get Sony laptops all over the country.  You can chose between different speeds of broadband internet access in virtually any good-sized city.  You can buy the components from the computer stores that are everywhere and make your own pc.  A lot of the parts are even cheaper than in the US.

    You can go to any street corner and pay about US$0.30 per hour to access the internet or use a computer for any other purpose.  VOIP telephone lines are also very common.

  9. yes they do. You can go to a cafe and pay  for an hour of time. They way you can spot out an internet cafe is by seeing the @ sign hanging above the door.

  10. Now in this days even in Mongolia they have computers.

  11. Yes, of course.

    Actually, there are hundreds of internet cafes all over the place. Many people who dont have personal computers at home go to cafes instead.

  12. No.  They still use smoke signals to chat.

  13. Jason, there are computers in Peru, but don't go to buy one there, these are a of them said there's an Apple Shop in Lima, it's true, but in others Latin american countries there are more than one shop such as Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Brazil, etc.

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