
Does petco sell snapping turtles?

by Guest66852  |  earlier

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Does petco sell snapping turtles?




  1. i dont know do they  sell pigs.......NO THEY DONT SELL SNAPPING TURTLES THEY R NOT PETS THEY R WILD

  2. Snappers are illegal in several states and are considered a "dangerous" animal in most others.  So no, Petco is not going to sell them.  They would be a danger to have in the store in an open turtle tank with some little kid sticking his hand into it... if you want one, PLEASE reconsider.  They get huge and live probably longer than you have left in your life.

  3. red eared sliders are snapping turtles and they sell them there.

  4. Only sliders, cooters, map, musk,mud and soft shell turtles are domesticated. Snapping turtles are WILD.

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