
Does pickle juice really cleans your system of drugs in one day?

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Does pickle juice really cleans your system of drugs in one day?




  1. NO!

  2. What kind of drugs have you been doing to even think so?

  3. I worked at a job where we were trained to drug test and the only thing that keeps your system clean is staying clean.

  4. you need to detox your system drink the pickle juice alot of water and cranberry juice til you want to puke do this daily for about a week p**s should be clear, and stop smoking pot at least til you take the test ,also they sell all kinds of detox kits at the health food store but there is no guarantee either will work good luck

  5. nothing can clean your system...........

    just eat a poppyseed bagel and say you ate a poppyseed bagel

  6. Yes so if your on drugs drink a cup of it 24 hours before the drug test and you will be as free at a jail bird...Literally.

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