
Does playing a brass instrument make your cheeks bigger?

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even if i don't puff my cheeks out when i play it? (i play the tenor horn, like a small tuba?)




  1. Umm... No? There's no reason for your cheeks to get bigger when you blow into it. In fact, if your cheeks do puff out, you are actually hurting your overall tone. Of course, unless your doing what's called "circular breathing," puffing your cheeks is a bad thing.

  2. Dizzy Gillespie's cheeks puffed out, but that was mainly for show.  Your cheeks should stay the way they are now.

  3. I've met a lot of brass players and can say that only one has notably large cheeks (but I think that's more just an age thing). If anything, you're tightening the muscles there so they might even not sag so much when you get old (maybe?).  

  4. sometimes

    do your friends call you alvin yet?

    but really. If you don't puff your cheeks, you may still build some muscle there if you play a lot. But it shouldn't change your appearance drastically.

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