
Does playing a musical instrument like a flute or piano during ramadan break you fast?

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Does playing a musical instrument like a flute or piano during ramadan break you fast?




  1. as far as i noe your fast will still count, but if i were u i would try putting it away at least for this month

    u noe and try to read quran instead..its ramadan u might as well :-)

    and try to make the most of it this year like dont just waste it n let it pass by (not just regarding music and stuff but in general)

  2. lmao

  3. Read the Qu'ran and see if it mentions musical instruments - I don't think it does? There's a lot of confusion surrounding music and Islam.....

  4. I really don't understand why Muslims believe God would make their life so hard and miserable.  Playing an instrument has nothing to do with fasting and God LOVES MUSIC.  Muslims don't even fast the right way.  You go without, all day AND night, go to bed hungry and then you MIGHT being to understand the suffering of the poor.  Christians voluntarily fast to be closer to God, not to earn brownie points to get to Heaven.  

  5. Not unless you decide to eat it of course.

  6. it doesnt break it, but doing haram things does take away reward from your fast

  7. Only if you eat it!

  8. No it doesn't break the fast, but playing Musical Instruments is disliked during Ramadan. This is the month of Worship, not Entertainment.  

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