
Does playing games on line effect your download limit?

by  |  earlier

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JT: Spot on, to rephrase, if you have a 5GB download limit from you ISP will playing games use a big chunck of that?




  1. Do u mean d/l speed if so yea it will affect ur game play to u will most probs lag like h**l if ur playing while downloading

  2. Yes. Any change in a page you are viewing will be an additional download.

  3. I take a dump while playing online all the time. I find it helps.

  4. i think he means your download limit for example some isp offer a 2gb download limit a month, is this used if your playing games online.

  5. it makes it go slower

  6. Ya sure playing games eats up your download limit .It can go upto 100 Mb per hour

  7. probably

  8. Yes.  While you are playing an online game your download speed will decrease.  And Yes, online gaming takes up considerable bandwidth, that bandwidth will effect your 5G per month limit.   You could use up your monthly limit of bandwidth in 12 hours or so of online gaming.

  9. yes it does just like if u use your computer and your ps3 to play online

    it wil lagggggggg

  10. Sure does!  

  11. only if you are downloading files from the server, possibly when you save a game.

  12. Anything you do on the Internet adds to your usage. All uploads and downloads count. Even more so playing games or streaming. Just normal usage without any of that I use 7 to 10 Gb a month.

  13. i dont now i never thought of that.  

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