
Does playing softball cause global warming?

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Does playing softball cause global warming?




  1. Yes, definitely it does, particularly at more advanced levels.  You see, when the ball passes the air molecules it causes friction, and this creates heat.  By swinging the bat, there's more friction and the exertion causes everyone to breathe harder.  Baseball fields are not environmentally friendly, and should definitely be banned forever...of course with no debate because somewhere there is a consensus on this.

  2. loser

  3. cant say.

  4. None of this lies is causing Global Warming.

  5. no, who told you this?

  6. probably, according to Al Gore virtually all human activity does cause it, so, yeah, "the debate is over", and "the consensus of experts is that it is a cause of  global warming" so don't play, unless you purchase some 'carbon credits' preferably from a company gore owns.

  7. Has as much impact as everything else.  None.

  8. I think there's a definite correlation, the C02 coming being emitted from canned beer and the methane being released from fat-men's flatulence as they run the bases. Of course, they need their big SUV's to lug around all their gear. In sum softball players need to stay indoors and play Nintendo Wii. It's for the environment, ya know.

  9. dude u can't do anything without contributing to global warming i mean even jerking off causes "global warming" i say s***w it bring on the heat i been sprayin aerosol cans in the air just for fun lately no point in putting off the inevitable

  10. Well ----  yes--- when you exercise you breath more oxygen and exhale more CO2--------- so --- go lay down on the sofa. !

  11. Softball has no effect upon solar cycles.  Solar Cycles are the driving force of climate change.  Therefore, softball has no effect upon global warming.

  12. No, but playing with Uranus does.

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