
Does playing video games help kids building more neural connections?

by Guest44944  |  earlier

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i know that playing instruments does help kids in activating those neural connections, that might otherwise die from disuse. so i've been wondering if playing video games or any sorts of PC games or on-line games does the same thing to youth's brains as what playing instruments does? what about doing sports? any types of activities? well, after all, i think they are just variations of the same thing, exercising your brains in different ways. so, is it true?




  1. Yes, they will build more neural connections. But, do we want those connections in the first place. Almost anything learned will build connections that relate to that action. Is not about having lots of connections. It is about having the right connections. The connections that will enable them to succeed in life. From music children learn perseverance, learn creativity, etc etc.

    What would they learn from video games? that is the question.

  2. It helps kids get fat.  Go outside and ride a bike or something.  That'll get your neurons going too.  

  3. Anything that requires your brain to consider multipy things will build neural connections.

    For example a game wants you to get from point A to point B but three walls and a river stand in your way. Your brain starts to consider how to get past these road blocks. THe brain will work thourgh all the options. Can I jump over the walls? do I need to find a rope? can I go around the walls? Can I swim across the river? Do I have to build a raft?

    It pretty much becomes problem solving which is exorcise for the brain.  

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