
Does plucking work to remove upper lip hair?

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I'm a teenage girl and I'm really self-conscious about the hair on my upper lip. My mom won't let me get it waxed or anything because she says it's not necessary. I know that plucking is time consuming and I'm okay with that. I was just wondering if it really worked or if the hairs would grow back darker and more noticeable. Thanks in advance!




  1. plucking is fine - it will not cause the hair to grow back thicker or darker than before.

  2. Yah, plucking is okay.

  3. you shouldn't pluck the hair to remove it from your upper lip its painful and noticeable i know my sister use to do it. i think it is better if you shave it off and you wont have to do it everyday only every few days its way better easier and faster and less painful and not as noticeable as plucking and don't worry that much don't be so self-conscious there are lots of girls who deal with that problem and if you not sure you want to shave them then just go to wal-mart and find a bleach for it and bleach the hair it doesn't take long and it will last a good while and it doesn't cost alot to but it.  

  4. ya plucking works very good sore at first then ur upper lip gets used to it

    don't feel self-conscious every girl and women has this they just dont say :):)

    hope it works and u get more convidence wit it!! :):):)

  5. Plucking works if you can't wax, but I would definitely recommend waxing. Even if you just buy those little wax strips from the drug store, it would save a lot of time. Good luck!

  6. youd have to do it like everyday, I reccomend either just geting a shower mirror and shaving it quick in the morning in the privacy of your own shower and I mean dont beleive the people that tell you chaving only gets hair back quicker thicker and more "manly" looking I asked my best friend anna whoes an aethetiscian if thats how you spell it, and she sasy no the out growth back is just blunter so more noticeable, but if you keep it up everyday no one can feel or see the diffrence

  7. do NOT pluck your upper lip hairs. The skin there is very sensitive and trust me it's very painful, even moreso than plucking eyebrows. Since you can't wax, just use shaving cream and shave it off. Make sure you apply moisturizer afterwards to prevent irritation. Trust me do NOT pluck your upper lip hairs. I hope this helps

  8. The people who are telling you to shave it.... don't listen to them. If you shave it, it'll look like you have stubble. :S

    I wouldn't pluck it either, the hair will just grow back thicker and darker.

    Since you can't wax it, buy some bleach and dye it. Jolen works pretty well. Make sure the bleach is meant for facial hair!! Just get your mom to go to the store and get it, she'll know what's good for you and what's not.

    Make sure to tell her that it is COMPLETELY normal for teenage girls to get their lip waxed. Actually, a lot of girls around the age of 12 do.

    Good luck!!   =]

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