
Does plucking your eyebrows yourself hurt a lot?

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Does plucking your eyebrows yourself hurt a lot?




  1. I don't think it hurts

  2. it hurts once you first start plucking them, but after a while it doesn't hurt at all

  3. Not extremely. It's better if you do it after you shower so the pores are open from the heat  :)

  4. Yes, waxing is so much easier.

  5. Yeah, but you start to get used to it if you do it frequently. I've heard that waxing hurts about the same, but for a shorter amount of time. Cheers!

  6. when i first started plucking my eyebrows its hurt

    but then once you do it you get used to it and the pain fades away

    if anything when you first start right when you pull the hair its a little bit of pain nothing extreme

  7. kinda..

    it might make ur eyes water or sneeze.. lol.

    but youll get used to it at the end and its worth it.=]

    oh nd u might get bumps on the parts you plucked..

    but they go away in an hour or so.

    good luck.


  8. it doesnt hurt when i do it! but just a trick, before u start plucking let an ice cube sit on ur eyebrow until it gets numb!


    good luck, i just did mine today! =D

  9. Kind of, but it's over quick. You can help numb the area with an ice cube, or a little dab of Orajel (just be careful not to get in eyes!).

  10. nope it might at first but its not bad.. do it right after you shower and have a wet cloth near you incase you get one that hurts

    good luck


  11. Sometimes my eyes water, but the pain is definitely not unbearable or anything. And you only have to pluck every once and a while so it's not that bad. You can get them waxed if you would rather have it over quick instead of some long process if you're newer.

  12. Not at all.

  13. eh its a sharp pain for 1 second.

  14. not really

  15. It's not too bad.  Just do it quick.  It hurts for maybe a second and then it goes away.

  16. it hurts for like a few seconds but thats only if you do a minimum hair...if you do alot it might hurt after cuz it might be red

  17. When you first start plucking stings baaaaad! But you get used to it after a while! a couple months of a while.

    But be careful!! If you pluck the same spot too much, sometimes it won't grow back. I have a little patch where I wish it still grew, but it doesn't because I was young and didn't know how to properly shape my brows!!

  18. When you first do it, it hurts...after a while, you get used to it and it doesn't hurt anymore.

  19. Yeah, sorta. You get used to it though.


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