
Does positive thinking make positive things happen?

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I heard its it? has it worked for u?

Im such a negative thinker and I want to change it.




  1. Not really but it helps you look at things in a different and brighter way... so instead of seeing something as bad or gloomy if you think positive you will find the upside of a bad thing... I hope this makes since... well I hope I helped... this is just my opinion :D

  2. Yes.  I Started Thinking Positive A Year Ago And My Life Has Gotten Much Better But You Have To Believe In The Things You Think.  I Told Myself I Could Learn To Make Music Quickly And I Learned My MC 808 In 3 Days And Made Hundreds Of Tracks.  

  3. Yes and it has worked for me.  Not all the time, but a lot of the time.  Just try to imagine positive things and positive energy will come back to you.  Its worth a try!

  4. Yes it does! If you have a positive out look and it shows. Others notice and are attracted to it, which in turn brings more positive people! If you notice when you look for things to complain about, you can easily find them. Do you enjoy hearing people complain ,***** , and moan ? Do you think people like to hear you sad, angry , or complaining? We like laughing at EEYORE, we don't want to hang out with him! Think before you speak! Say nice ,good things but be honest and friends will be attracted to you ! The best way to have friends is to be a friend.

  5. positive + positve= negative

  6. No, but it will make you do positive things

  7. We can get the most out of life by positive thinking. When in doubt keep reminding yourself to think positive. You just need to train yourself in this way of thinking. There are excellent books in the library on positive thinking, reading them when feeling negative is a great help.

  8. Yes.  Example: when I broke up with my ex, I had an awful attitude.  I was sooo negative about everything, and couldn't get over him for the longest time.  Once I started being positive, and acting more positively, my life started to get better.  Now, I am happier than I have been in a long time!

  9. let's put it this way.......

    nothing ever gets done by people who think it can't be done.

    There is no harm in TRYING.  

    If you succeed..........good for you.

    and if you fail.................well, that's still better than not trying at all.

    Aim for the MOON.........and if ya MISS, well, at least you still fall among the stars!!!!!

    Most people never try things, or do things, because they are surrounded by shallow people trying to talk them out of it.

    People too afraid to TRY....or too worried you will surpass them in some way, and they will be "inferior" by comparison.

    Never be afraid to DARE to rise above the crowd.

    Positive thinking, goes a LONG way, to actually getting things done.

    The first step is BELIEVING you can do it.

    Be positive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Yes it does, as in "you are what you eat"

    You can be nice to be around or obnoxious. Try to find one good thing to say to everyone each day, it will help you get rid of all the negative thoughts. best of luck to you

  11. ABSOLUTELY!  I used to be a negative person.  I stayed sick ALL the time.  I was depressed, and had anxiety.  I had to be on medicine,and seemed it would be forever.  I found God and was saved.  It took a while to get it in my head that the negativity needed to stop to so, now I look at the positives in things, and it is a big difference  I used to have chronic sinusitis(sinus infections) at least 1 or 2 a month and be on antibiotics frequently.  I haven't had one since March.  Now I am trying to teach my son to be more positive, so he will be a happier kid.  If you feel bad in your mind, you body will too.  Like constant headaches, and body aches.  If you feel good in your mind.  Your body feels better.  I read about it all the time in magazines.

  12. I believe positive thinking is good mind over matter!

  13. Everyone tells me that.. i think it could be true?

    and im the same way im always thinking negative !

  14. Yes ~ Being a positive thinker, is very important.  It does work!!  For you, please give it a try . . .

    I have a very negative friend that always thinks everything is going bad, he will never get the job, he feels like c**p, etc.  And you know what ~ ~he does not get the job, ~lots of things turn out bad, ~and he feels like c**p.  * He may as well wear a hat that says I'm defeated before he leaves the house.

    )(~Energy you put out to the universe ~ positive or negative will and does come back to you~)(  

  15. No. It just makes you perceive things that happen as positive.

  16. Beging negative will cause stress which can kill you faster than if you where a positive thinker  

  17. Maybe

  18. h**l no.

    Embrace your negativity and roll with it sister.

  19. Happy up-beat people want to be around happy upbeat people.

    Nagging, complaining, negative people bring you down.  stay happy

  20. Yes , its very true thing .... with the negative thinking , u will never find a way out of something ......  

  21. Positive thinking just makes everything negative not so severe.  People who have negative thinking/bad attitudes never see anything good in life.  Everything is a problem and everything is a negative.  When you think positively you just see the better things in life.  It doesn't make things happen but it makes the things that DO happen easier to bare.

  22. I believe it's true. It's not that positive things will magically happen for you per se but once you start thinking positively, you start to see things differently. For example, you got laid off. Some people perceive it as negative hence they become angry and upset, which will keep you from accomplish positive things in life. But others see it as a positive change and accept the news. And that simple switch of attitudes will change everything. Positive thinking keeps you moving forward.  

  23. No it doesn't. If it were that easy, positive things would be happening to more people.

  24. Yes!!!! very much true!!!!!

  25. no

  26. Yes.  For example: "I'm positive sh*t's going to hit the fan today".

    See - Positive Thinking.

  27. I'd like to believe so...

  28. No it doesn't but Positive thinkings make it easier for us to accept even those negative things which might happen....

  29. No.

    An optmistic view just makes you and other people feel good, but doesn't influence things around...  

  30. No.

    I wish, it does help a bit, since you're more positive, which means your doing more to help it come true : ]

  31. Yes,positive thinking goes a long way,and you can succeed in this..At first it's hard work, but i started by turning the negatives into a if a neg. occurrence happens thinking out of the box,and seeing a positive within whatever it is happening.

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