
Does pot make you forget how to do things?

by  |  earlier

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I find myself as a pretty talented musician for the amount of time I have been playing guitar, bass, and piano. But since its the last few days of summer, I've been going out to smoke weed whenever we have enough. I've also noticed that these past week or so (the time i started) i have not been able to play my instruments as well.




  1. Lack of sleep affects me more than pot smoking

  2. Do you find you are not as good a musician when you are high...or is this after the fact??  If you do not play as well high, I would venture to say it is because you have not practiced as much while high.  I find that when I am high I am in a totally different mind set...I may, as an example have a great idea for an invention (again, just an example)  when I am not high, I do not remember this invention.  Only when I am high again do I think of it in all the details.  You are in a different state of mind when you are smoking (if it's good stuff)  in order to perform as well in this different mental state, you would need to practice in this state.  A delay is common in your natural reflexes when you are high...which may account for your perception of being a sub-par musician while high.  This can be overcome however with practice and concentration...over time it will become easier...can you tell I smoke on the daily???

  3. Maryjane is a Neurotoxin. It can and does effect brain neurons negatively even with casual smoking...dude. So toss the water bong, cut up the cool colored Plexiglas pipe and eat better, sleep better, work better all by putting the Ganja down permanently.

  4. It's not that you forgot HOW to do things, it's that you forget to do them altogether.

    Like, I know how to hit the brakes on my car, I just forgot to do it. THUMP! Sorry dude!

  5. It makes you feel foggy and makes your brain work slower - short term.  Stop smoking and you will feel better in a week.  Also, your diet and excercise has a lot to do with memory - if you are pigging out on junk food and not doing any active stuff, that will probably affect it as much or more than the smoking does.

  6. I've smoked for years and it hasn't affected... wait, what was the question again?

  7. Yeah - brain damage & lack of instrument practice makes it harder to re-learn. Not impossible, you'll just have to spend more time on the same things. It's a bit like getting past middle age...


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