
Does potato actually make your butt grow?

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Does potato actually make your butt grow?




  1. Really? I must eat more potatoes.

  2. I'd say that how the potato is cooked makes a huge difference (eg. fried would contain more fat and would therefore be fattier than baked), however any food in vast quanities would make you fatter (not limited to your butt though, legs, arms and everywhere else would be effected too)

  3. If you eat bags and bags of potato chips your butt could become a mountain.....but seriously eat sweet potatoes they have much more nutrition, fiber, and are better for your blood sugar.

  4. If you wanna make your butt look good and attractive then you should do exercises like squat and lunge

  5. Are you wanting to make your but grow?

  6. fried taters and fried chicken

    the butt will grow

  7. i heard that somewhere and i doubt its true...but it is very healthy...if you want to lose weight that is perfect thing to eat...

  8. i potato makes everything rounded grow, for real!

  9. Eating large amounts of anything high in carbs, like potatoes, will add more fat to your body.... If you have a body type that adds fat to your butt, then yes, it will make your butt larger.

    ...A better way of making your butt grow is to exercise & add muscle mass & tone to it instead of fat.

  10. no, fried chicken does honestly.

  11. i hope not. haha, i love baked potato!!!

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