
Does poverty hit everyone even the rich and famous?

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Does poverty hit everyone even the rich and famous?




  1. Yes.  There has been numerous cases of rags to riches to rags with famous people because fame can be very fleeting, and the entertainment business is at time a very difficult one to maintain a career in.  

    Some examples?

    The actress Debbie Reynolds became so destitute that she had to live in her car for awhile. This happened after her husband actor Eddie Fischer left her for Elizabeth Taylor.  Tina Turner when she left Ike had only 35 cents and a Mobil gas card. She struggled for several years as a housekeeper/maid before making it back to the top.  Rick Springfield at one point of his life (1970s) found himself poor, jobless, friendless, getting sued by former managers, and risking deportation from the US. At that time, he was getting letters from fans back in Australia who were asking if they could see his Hollywood mansion if they visit, yet he could barely pay the rent on a $250 a month Hollywood apartment!  Former Supreme Florence Ballard died in poverty in the projects.  Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys was homeless for a time.  Both Joan Collins and Melba Moore had to take unemployment and/or work as maids when their careers were at a low. A lot of celebrities have had to file bankruptcy, and a number of them lost homes.  Ed McMahon was close to losing his house until Donald Trump recently bailed him out.

    There are many, many others. Some bounce back, others don't.

  2. Yes and they have the worst experience on that coz they're not used to live on that way. They'll like starting from scratch w/c is why many rich people resort to suicide if that happens.  

  3. Many people can manage their affairs better than others. It really depends on the person or persons concerned. Many wealthy people began their lives in poverty, but they learned how to get out of that situation through their own endeavours. They also vowed never to return, so they were careful and many succeeded.

  4. Yes...It makes it very difficult to trust the help....

  5. Poverty affects the rich differently than the poor, but it still has some bite. Poverty causes people to become desperate and sometimes do things that they MIGHT not ordinarily do, such has armed robbery, fraud, carjacking, etcand they do these things to people who have more than they do...the rich! Also, a rich person might have invested heavily in carpet companies, home appliance companies or building supply companies and these people would lose a lot of money when we're in a housing slump like we are now. So the simple answer is...yes.

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