
Does premium grade high octane petrol really improve mpg or is this just sales talk by the petrol companies.?

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Does premium grade high octane petrol really improve mpg or is this just sales talk by the petrol companies.?




  1. i have seen improved milage on my car,it is a v8.also it adds up to 5 horsepowerto the motor.the gasoline burns smoother,because it is more pure

  2. Yes it does, but not usually enough to cover the extra cost....

  3. I have to use the super grade on my TT and it is d**n expensive. However, it makes it fly.

  4. Look in your owner's manual. If your car does not require premium (91 octane or above usually), then you are getting no additional benefit by using it. It is only costing you money. If your car does not require premium, the only time you would need it would be if your car engine was "knocking" since the higher octane resists knocking better.

    I just took this from the autoanything site listed in my sources:

    Contrary to popular belief, higher octane gas isn't always best for your vehicle. Recognizing the rising cost of gas (years ago, when $1.49/gallon was steep), automakers began gearing engines toward using regular gas. The manual for your vehicle says which grade is right for your engine. Switching to regular won't save you mileage, but if you've been buying premium under the guise of fuel economy or engine health, making the switch will save you a few bucks at the pump.

  5. The octane rating is related to the compression ratio of your engine.

    If your engine has a low compression ratio, high octane won't do any harm, but you're wasting money.

    If it's the other way round, the engine will knock, and eventually it'll get damaged.

    There's no relation between the octane rating and performance, other than that.

  6. It does by about 5-6 miles per gallon. But is it really worth it?

  7. i watched someting on telly that said it was no help at all, so i dont bother now, we pay far to much all ready

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