
Does proactiv work???????

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i recently got proactiv and im not sure if its working on my face. does it usually work?




  1. I haven't used it myself, but my sister had really bad acne

    and she tried proactiv, it took a while to work, but her skin is really good now.

  2. I guess, it works different for people. I know that it didn't work for me because i almost had an allergic reaction to it.but you could try it and if it works than thats great.

  3. Proactiv made my skin worse and forced me to take Accutane. Proactiv has not worked for me or my friends, it's just a marketing scam and a waste of money. I hate this product so much!

    If you have light non-persistent acne then it will work but if you have moderate to sever acne it WILL make it worse. So stop a disaster before it happens and throw Proactiv away.

    I recommend trying Clean and Clear, as it works really good with blackheads.

  4. It takes a little while, but it should work.

    Also try sleeping with the refining mask on your problem areas only.

    When you wake up, most of the acne deteriorates a bit, sometimes they are actually gone.

  5. When i first got it it was working great, but i think that once it got to be my regular routine of washing my face putting the toner on and then the lotion, it stopped working good for me. And it might also have been that i got tired of putting the lotion on, so i didn't. But i think that it works different every person. But i would say that yeah, it does work.  

  6. i haven't used it but it does not work for everyone. my friend used it and it made her breakout even more. try going to a dermatologist. because different acne products work different on people.

  7. My sister tried it, and it didn't work for her.  HOWEVER, she only used it for a VERY short time, so maybe she didn't give it an honest chance.  I have never used it myself.  

  8. It depends on what type of acne you have.  I have inflammatory acne which is a hybrid between normal acne and cystic acne.  It worked well at first, but now I have been using it for about a year and the results have diminished.  My skin is still better now that I am using it, but only marginally.  The problem with many types of acne is that your body gets used to the medicine, and the medicine becomes ineffective.  It is probably best to switch up products every 6 months or so to keep that from happening.

  9. It will work for most people.

    I tried it a  couple of times with fair success once and no success the other time. I also tried just using the cleaner alone, but that didn't work too well. In the end, mine was stubborn enough that I needed medicine from the doctor.

    It really depends on your type of acne. Give it a try -- there is a money-back guarantee. It could be right for you.

  10. no it does not coz me and 2 other friends tryed coz we had BAD acne and it just gave us more pimples

  11. I guess it depends on your body chemistry.  My mother in law uses it on her rosacea and it works.  I used it on my acne and it didn't touch it.

  12. Wait for a week .It will really work.

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